Chapel Services

Chapel Activities

Belying its small size, the church undertakes a wide number of activities to which everyone is welcome.

Sunday Worship

Morning Service at 11.00am is of a straightforward, informal format with songs and hymns, readings, prayer and preaching of the gospel.  We don't follow a set liturgy and we aim for an atmosphere of joy in the presence of the Lord.  Everyone is invited to join in the worship through open prayer or by sharing witness.  Worship is led by our Circuit Minister, David Moss, our Pastoral Minister, Andrew Baguley or by visiting preachers.  We are privileged to have a wide range or preachers each with their own distinctive styles.

Every Tuesday at 7.30pm

We hold a house group every Tuesday evening rotating between the various members' houses.  We take it in turns to lead the group and we study strands of our faith or parts of the bible.  The house group provides an opportunity for individuals to discuss anything in a trusting and sharing environment.

Every Thursday morning at 10.30am

We meet for informal prayer, normally led by our Pastoral Minister, Andrew Baguley.  We pray for the village, the wider Christian community in this country and abroad, and for the world.

3rd Friday of the month

Every month we hold a Prayer and Praise service at 7.00pm followed by a Fellowship Supper. We greet a wide range of inspirational speakers who have come from as wide afield as the Czech Republic, the USA and Malaysia. This evening service is an opportunity for all to share worship in an informal, joyous gathering and then to join in a "bring and share" supper afterwards. We focus on giving praise and offering prayer led by an experienced evangelical worship leader and with strong music leadership.

Food Boxes

The Chapel provides a food box service for needy families.  Currently, we are supporting 2 families on a week by week basis.  We also run a birthday and Christmas presents service to provide small gifts for children and their parents.  If you would like to help with this endeavour, please contact the Senior Steward (see Contacts Page).