Grant Applications
Hambledon Parish Council welcomes applications for grants from local groups and organisations. The council has relatively small funds, and these are derived almost entirely from the households in the village through the council tax. The council is therefore keen to ensure that any grants awarded are used for the maximum benefit of villagers. There are few restrictions on the type of project that the council will consider supporting (but note that it cannot give grants to individuals or to businesses). Decisions will be based on the benefit that will accrue to villagers and the needs of the group or organisation requesting the grant. Grants are more likely to be given to organisations that would be unable to undertake the proposed project without support from the council than to those that have the necessary funds within their organisation or can obtain them elsewhere.
Applications for a grant should be made on the form which can be downloaded from this website or obtained from the Clerk to the Parish Council. Completed application forms should be returned to the Clerk.
Download a Grant Form Here