Clubs and Groups

Arts Society

The Hambledon Arts Society is a well-established organisation in the village and contributes greatly to the enjoyment and community spirit of the village.  It comprises five Groups - Painting, Drama, Local History, Music and Poetry - each group with its own members and activities.

See What's On section for upcoming events.

Please visit their website: www.hambledonartssociety.org.uk

Contact Martyn Kille: 023 9263 2800


Weekly sessions are held in the Village Hall from September through to the end of April.

Contact Tony Smith: 023 9263 2663


Clinkard Meon Valley Beagles

Joint Masters: Roy or Lynne Clinkard: 01420 472262


Practice sessions are held each Thursday 7.30pm at the Church.

Contact Gill Hales: 023 9259 1366

Broadhalfpenny Brigands Cricket Club

Play on the original Broadhalfpenny Down ground, even though it slopes.

Brownies and Guides

Contact for details of local groups.

Please visit their website: www.girlguiding.org.uk
District Commisioner Becky Lawton: 023 9225 4615

Dance Classes

Classes for children and students on Thursdays in term time in the Village Hall.

Contact Natasha-Lea Shawyer: 07783 591590

Good Companions (over 55s')

This over 55s' group meet 3rd Wednesday every month in the Village Hall, 2.00-4.00pm.

Secretary Dee Frost: 023 9263 2703

The Hambledon Club

The Hambledon Club  - revived 1999

Secretary: 07726 330339

Hambledon Cricket Club

The Hambledon Cricket club have their own website.

Contact Mark Le-Clercq: 023 9223 3354
Please visit their website: www.hambledoncricketclub.co.uk

Hambledon Folk Club

Hambledon Folk Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 8.30pm in the Youth Hut next to the Village Hall.

Contact John Thornton: 02392 632719 or folkclubhambledon@hotmail.co.uk
Please visit their website: https://www.hambledonfolkclub.com

Hambledon Hospice Support Group

Organises fund raising events in the village in aid of the Rowans Hospice at Purbrook.

Forthcoming events will be included in the What's On section.

Hook Vinney Quilters

Quilters meet in members' homes on a regular basis. Exhibitions and sales of work are held from time to time.

Horticultural Society

Spring Show - 4th Saturday in March (except Easter weekend)
Village Plant Sale - 2nd Saturday in May
Summer Show - 4th Saturday in August
Scarecrow Competition - the week before the Summer Show
Winter Social Evening - late January or early February

Garden visits, talks and other events take place from time to time. See What's On section for upcoming events.

Chairman: Ruth Twiney: 023 9263 2635
Secretary: Celia Fox-Robinson: 023 9263 2972

Indoor Bowls

Indoor Bowls take place on Tuesdays at 2.00-4.00pm and Thursdays at 7.30-9.30pm in the Village Hall.

Jean Rutherford: 023 9263 2388

Lunch Club

The Hambledon Lunch Club operates on a monthly basis for the benefit of the elderly residents who live in the Parish of Hambledon and are 70+ years old. The Lunch Club can only cater for 40 persons maximum, so it will be on a first come basis. Diners must book their Lunch the week before (the numbers expected need to be known). There will be no registration fee, just the cost of the meal.

The organisers have set the limit to 40. However, should the total numbers of diners from Hambledon be less than 40, it may be possible to extend the criteria to the elderly from adjoining Parishes and to visitors staying with regular diners. This would be judged on a month by month basis.

Date: 1st Wednesday of each month
Venue: Hambledon Village Hall
Times: Doors open at 12 noon; Lunch served at 12.30pm.

Cost: £2.50 to include: main course, pudding, tea or coffee.

Contact Myrna Coates: 023 9263 2307

Meon Valley Carers Together

Church Road, Swanmore, Southampton, Hampshire SO32 2PA
Support for those suffering from Dementia, and their families.

Contact: 01489 895444

Mothers Union

Meet 1st Wednesday every month at 8pm, generally in the Church or Methodist Chapel in Green Lane.

Royal British Legion

Meet 3rd Monday every month in the Mead End Denmead at 8.15pm.

Chairman: Michael Comley: 023 9226 1428

Scottish Dancing

1st and 3rd Mondays every month (not August) in the Youth Hut at 7.30pm.

Ros Thornton or Jacqui Hand: 92 632719 or 92 632907


An exciting programme of activities, visits and camps for both boys and girls supported by a team of volunteer leaders and helpers.

Beaver Scouts - children aged 6 to 8
Meet on Tuesdays

Cub Scouts - children aged 8 to 11
Meet on Thursdays

Scouts - children aged 11 to 14
Meet on Thursdays

Please visit their website: www.hambledon-scouts.org.uk

Contact Steve Wilkins: 023 9311 9039

Baby & Toddler Group

Meets from 9.30am to 11am every Monday in term time, in Hambledon Church. Main contact, Sarah Harris.

Twinning Association

Please click here for the Twinning Association page.

Contact Charles Vivian: 023 9263 2671
or Michele Griffiths: 023 9263 3926

Village Walks

Monthly on Saturdays from October to April. Walk for about 2 - 3 hrs, then lunch in a good pub.
Meet in the Village Hall Car Park at 9.30am.

Contact Liz Hall on 023 9263 2059.
Email: villagewalk.hamb@outlook.com

Whist Drives

These are held every Thursday evening in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Betty Hall: 023 9263 2497

Women's Institute

Meet 2nd Tuesday every month in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Joy Beagley: 023 9263 2804
Please visit their website: http://www.hampshirewi.org.uk/userpagesnew/hambledon.html

Young Farmers

Chairman: Thomas Westron: 07745 694451
Secretary: Eliza Bailey: 07972 430888