Walk 1 - Hambledon Vineyard
Hambledon Vineyard Walk
Length: 1 mile
From the People's Market go up the High Street in front of you, passing many old houses, some of which used to be shops. Go right before reaching the church, then left and up the hill. Turn right in front of the school, then follow the narrow footpath ahead between hedges. Cross over an access road and follow the path between the vines. These were replanted in 2005 and it will be a few years before they will produce a crop of grapes, which will be made into sparkling wine.
After the vineyard, climb over the stile and turn right down the track. At the main road, turn right into East Street to return to the start. Alternatively, to shorten the walk, you could turn right at the first roadway you reached before vineyard.
The next two walks go through Speltham Down (National Trust), which is a small piece of natural unspoiled chalk meadow and downland. There are lots of wild flowers in summer, particularly orchids and clustered bellflowers. The best place to see these is on the steep slopes, and in the field at the far end. The land is grazed with rare breeds of sheep, so keep your dogs under control.