Walk 4 - From The Old Forge Tearoom to The Murder Stone

The Old Forge Tearoom to the Murder Stone Walk

Length: 2 miles

This route starts from The Old Forge Tearoom - ideal for refreshment after your walk. Go up the road (Cams Hill) with the tearoom on your right, passing a house on your right called Cams.   This is a timber framed house dating from the 16th century which has a 'ha ha' - a ditch with a stone wall behind - that can just be seen from the road. This was designed to keep livestock out without spoiling the view from the house.

Just past Cams House, turn right onto a footpath. You will soon see an old granary on your right. This is a brick and timber framed structure on staddlestones (mushroom shaped stones). The path goes through several paddocks. When you reach a junction with another path under the trees, turn left, then follow the path round to the right. You arrive in a large field with horse jumps and a lovely view over the village, and the path continues along the edge. Turn into the gap in the hedge on your left by a gate, then turn sharp left onto a stony track. Just before reaching the road, look out for the Murder Stone on your right (looking a bit like a milestone but with no inscription). This marks the site of the murder of James Stares in 1782. Legend has it that he left the local pub carrying some money and was set upon, robbed and killed. At the road, go left and follow the road round several bends and down the hill to The Old Forge Tearoom.